วันศุกร์ที่ 8 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2558

My cell phone evaluation

When did you get your cell phone ?


When did I get my cell phone ?  and how it changed until today ?


My first cell phone is Nokia 3310 which I got it from my daddy in year 2007 because he bought a new one



Next, I changed Nokia3310 to Nokia 5300 which I asked my mom to buy it for my birthday .



Next, I changed to Nokia N73 because my old Nokia5300 broke.



And you wont believe me this , but you have to. I changed my Nokia n 73 to Iphone 4s and I used it until today


วันเสาร์ที่ 2 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2558

My Social Username

My Social Username

Talk about my social network username including my Email, Facebook or Games.
I need to tell that I use one e mail to register every game in this world to make it easier for me to remember.
First, Let talk about my E mail, once I used o-_-_-_-o@hotmail.com, I make this weird Email up because I still young and just want to play with my Email, so I make it like a human face with a lot of mouths. Then, I change to my latest one - sh_bps@hotmail.com because it represent my nickname Singhong SH . I think it more formal and easy to remember.
Talk about other username, I like to use the same username for every kinds of username - rujdeus11 - because it easier for me to remember , ps. it my friend name - RUJ.