วันศุกร์ที่ 8 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2558

My cell phone evaluation

When did you get your cell phone ?


When did I get my cell phone ?  and how it changed until today ?


My first cell phone is Nokia 3310 which I got it from my daddy in year 2007 because he bought a new one



Next, I changed Nokia3310 to Nokia 5300 which I asked my mom to buy it for my birthday .



Next, I changed to Nokia N73 because my old Nokia5300 broke.



And you wont believe me this , but you have to. I changed my Nokia n 73 to Iphone 4s and I used it until today


วันเสาร์ที่ 2 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2558

My Social Username

My Social Username

Talk about my social network username including my Email, Facebook or Games.
I need to tell that I use one e mail to register every game in this world to make it easier for me to remember.
First, Let talk about my E mail, once I used o-_-_-_-o@hotmail.com, I make this weird Email up because I still young and just want to play with my Email, so I make it like a human face with a lot of mouths. Then, I change to my latest one - sh_bps@hotmail.com because it represent my nickname Singhong SH . I think it more formal and easy to remember.
Talk about other username, I like to use the same username for every kinds of username - rujdeus11 - because it easier for me to remember , ps. it my friend name - RUJ.

วันศุกร์ที่ 24 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2558





because its so technical and fast!!!!!!!
what is an iPad?
A tablet designed by Apple company

The first ever i Pad to be released was in April 3rd 2010

Some experiences Ive had with it......
Most of the time I drop it
Steve job was the first to designed and produced <--- by Steve Job

The IPad has alot of simple and easy gadgets and apps.
I like the IPad also because its light and easy to carry it around with you.
Apps are fast and easy to go on.
Watch videos online without
It's easy to connect to the internet with it
Find new apps on it
It's easy to connect with the internet
It has easy and helpful gadgets and apps

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 19 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2558

When Technology Gets in the Way

For the past few months I’ve been using a variety of wireless, blue tooth headsets, with my cell phone. The latest head set I’m using does not have clear reception. Often times I can hear the person fine, but they can’t hear me so well.

I love technology, and in fact, the particular blue tooth headset I’m using is made by one of the premier brands.


Read more at Small Biz IT…

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 12 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2558

Algorithm - the hacker movie

Last time, I recommend you guys about the TV series about information technology, but today I would like to recommend you guys for the movie about information technology.

The movie that I would like to recommend is Algorithm, the hacker movie.



A freelance computer hacker discovers a mysterious government computer program. He breaks into the program and is thrust into a revolution.


Crime, Drama, Thriller  MOVIE             


I think it very useful for you guys to watch this movie, because it help you guys to know how the basic hacker used to do and how to protect your information in some ways.

วันเสาร์ที่ 4 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2558

The IT Crowd

The IT Crowd


I have a TV series about information technology to recommend you guys

The IT Crowd is a British sitcom by Channel 4, written by Graham Linehan, produced by Ash Atalla and starring Chris O'Dowd, Richard Ayoade, Katherine Parkinson and Matt Berry.


You guys should watch this stuff

It is a comedy TV series which also have many knowledge about information technology, some can be adapted to our course as well.

There are 5 seasons with more than 100 episodes , but don't worry because it take you just 25 minutes for each episode.

The comedy series is worth for watching, believe me.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 29 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2558

My device



My household have several Apple mobile devices. We use a charging station in a corner of our kitchen counter to keep our iPhone and iPad batteries charged and ready to go. Power is supplied by an IPEVO USB SuperCharger that can charge up to four devices simultaneously. Mine is an older model in white. This device is very useful for my whole family because everybody use mobile devices that can charge with this charger.

IPEVO SuperCharger box

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2558

Hisense VIDAA Max 100″ Laser Cinema TV

Hisense VIDAA Max 100″ Laser Cinema TV

The Laser Cinema TV is actually a compact, sleekly designed short-throw projector that sits upon a given surface and projects its image onto the wall behind.

The awesome thing about the VIDAA Max 100” Laser Cinema TV is that it isn’t really a TV, it’s a laser projector for home theater. It’s a pretty cool one too, using a blue laser diode light source and a DarkChip 3 Digital Light Processing (DLP) platform with more than two million mirrors to make high contrast FHD (1920 x 1080) images.


This laser projector doesn’t just offer a feast for your eyeballs, though. It’s a pretty immersive experience, with integrated 5.1 surround sound that supports both Dolby and DTS audio formats. Those five speakers all have Bluetooth, so you can stream music directly to the unit from your smartphone, tablet or other compatible device. Rounding out the package is an integrated 8-inch subwoofer.

Other features include HDMI, component and composite connections, VGA and USB ports, built-in WiFi, automatic source detection, auto-power off, and up to 25,000 hours of viewing fun.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 15 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2558

Opinion on Electrolux Washing Machine

Electrolux Washing Machine

My opinion toward Electrolux Washing Machine, I did the research for this washing machine because my mom plan to buy a  new washing machine. Surprising that this washing machine really hitting on me and I would like to share its functions and the factor that make me want to buy this washing machine.
First, the most important factor is it is friendly to the environment.
Second, the speed of washing is quick and it is very effective when I watched the review on youtube.
Third,the design of it looks smart and smooth.
Last, it have many wash cycle including Super high spin speeds, up to 1,350 RPM, helps reduce moisture leading to shorter dry times and additional money savings

วันจันทร์ที่ 2 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2558

iCool Refrigerator

iCool Refrigerator, futuristic technology of Russian designers - Alexey Dmitriev.



The screen turns on as soon as someone appears in the kitchen and it recognizes the individual using a special built-in camera. A fridge can and should interact with a person: it will make your favorite coffee, turn on a radio or TV, suggest a recipe, etc.

A user can leave a note or put a virtual magnet from Rome. It all depends on the imagination of the widget developers’ and a user


I'd like to get one “iCool” Fridge
I like the way it would work. when I come home and from the kitchen I'd hear want some beer?
and then I'd understand it's my “iCool” Fridge

“iCool” Fridge more than friend! =)))

วันศุกร์ที่ 20 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2558

Saving Battery Life on iOS8


Follow this set up in order to save your iOS 8 Battery


If you not using Wi-Fi or Bluetooth ,then close it

Turn on only notifications that you need.
eg. facebook , Line
Settings > General > Accessibility > Increase Contrast
close all beauty functions that you don't use.

Settings > General > Accessibility > Reduce Motion
Open Reduce motion mode.

Settings > General > Background App Refresh
Close some appication that still connecting to internet even it is closing.

Settings > General > Auto-Lock > 1 minute
set auto lock to 1 minute.
Settings > Display & Brightness
Turn off auto brightness.

Settings > Privacy > Location Services
Turn off Location Services
Hope you guys have 100% Battery.


วันอาทิตย์ที่ 15 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2558

Dyson's Air Mutliplier™ bladeless fans

Today I am going to show you guys about bladeless fan that would impress you.

With the company vision and quote :
Some fans are quiet but weak. Others are powerful but noisy.

The new Dyson Cool™ fans are quiet and powerful.
Dyson's fans even provide Noise reduction function and 40% Less Power Consumed.

Hope you guys enjoy this technology.

วันศุกร์ที่ 6 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2558

Clean your "Keyboard" with "Post it"

Follow my 5 Steps to clean your keyboard with a Post it.


1. First, scowl your keyboard to clean out some of those dirtiness.


2. Pick up 1 Post it.


3. use the glued Post it to scrub along the keyword.


4. With the keyboard's unreachable corners use the Post it's corner to pick the dirt up. 


 5. If it is too much dirt on Post it, changes to the new one.


with these 5 steps, your keyboard will look like you just buy it!

วันเสาร์ที่ 31 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2558

The 25 Most Popular Passwords

You'd think that people would start being more discerning with their passwords. You would be wrong. And here are the 25 most worst passwords to prove it.

In perhaps the most notable change, this being the first year that anything other than "password" has secured the top spot. Congratulations to "123456." Other new additions include alternate keyboard layout "azerty" and the ever-mysterious "000000."

1. 123456 (Up 1)
password (Down 1)
12345678 (Unchanged)
qwerty (Up 1)
abc123 (Down 1)
123456789 (New)
111111 (Up 2)
1234567 (Up 5)
iloveyou (Up 2)
adobe123 (New)
123123 (Up 5)
12. Admin
1234567890 (New)
letmein (Down 7)
photoshop (New)
1234 (New)
monkey (Down 11)
shadow (Unchanged)
sunshine (Down 5)
12345 (New)
21. password1 (Up 4)
22. princess (New)
23. azerty (New)
24. trustno1 (Down 12)
000000 (New)

Think your password's better? Show me down below! (Kidding. Please don't do that. haha)

วันศุกร์ที่ 23 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2558

Get Paid to Test Android, iPhone & iPad Apps; $10 per Test @ TheBetaFamily.com

Hello guys, I am going to tell how you can get paid to test apps on your phone ; iPod , iPad and Tablet , its work for Android and also Apple products

Firstly you want to go to the https://betafamily.com and sign up to the website or even make it easier by sign in with your facebook user.


After log in, you will find test tap and you will see all the different tests available for both Android and Apple devices that displayed in "Works on". You will get paid 10 dollars per test that you apply. You will be required to activate your own devices to the website first, then you can enjoy taking the paid tests.

Moreover, you can even create your own set of  test and let the people do your own research as well.
Hope you guys enjoy. For more information, you can contact me by E-mail: sh_bps@hotmail.com.

วันศุกร์ที่ 16 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2558

Micro Expression

Micro expression is a brief, involuntary facial expression shown on the face of humans according to emotions experienced. They usually occur in high-stakes situations, where people have something to lose or gain. Microexpressions occur when a person is consciously trying to conceal all signs of how he or she is feeling, or when a person does not consciously know how he or she is feeling. Unlike regular facial expressions, it is difficult to hide microexpression reactions. Microexpressions express the seven universal emotions: disgust, anger, fear, sadness, happiness, surprise, and contempt. Nevertheless, in the 1990s, Paul Ekman expanded his list of basic emotions, including a range of positive and negative emotions not all of which are encoded in facial muscles. These emotions are amusement, contempt, embarrassment, excitement, guilt, pride, relief, satisfaction, pleasure, and shame. They are very brief in duration, lasting only 1/25 to 1/15 of a second.
As their name suggests, subtle expressions are very subtle. Even a slight tightening of the lips can be a reliable sign that someone is angry.

Examining the Face:
One way to understand facial gestures or behaviors is to divide them up by what they do, not whether they are mini, micro, or macro which does not take into account speed or in some cases lengthy, asymmetrical, or rigid presentations. The following is not a comprehensive list but if you focus on these five areas you will find it easier, in my experience, to identify how others truly feel or what they think:

Facial Gestures of Nervousness and Tension:
-   Furrowed forehead
-   Squinting eyes
-   Lip compression
-   Lips that are sucked into the mouth
-   Quivering lips
-   Quivering chin
-   Corners of mouth twitching or pulling oddly toward the ear very quickly

Facial gestures of Contempt or Disdain:
-   A smirk (corner of mouth tightens on one side, dimples, or pulls toward eye or ear )
-   Nose high haughty attitude
-   Rolling of the eyes
-   Looking dismissively askance
Contempt, incidentally, is not a sign of deception, it is seen in both the innocent as well as the liar. Contempt is often seen among the innocent when interviewed by those they deem to be of lower social status or whom they perceive as incompetent. You also see looks of contempt on the part of an occupied population toward their oppressors.
Facial Gestures of Dislike or Disagreement:
-   Pursed lips usually mean I don't like or I disagree (seen in babies as young as four weeks).
-   Nose crinkle (nose moves very quickly up as a shortened sign of disgust)
-   Upper half of lip on one side rises as does nose
-   Rolling of the eyes
-   Eyelid flutter (usually seen when someone says something we strongly disagree with)
-   Eyelids close fail to reopen for what seems a long time
-   Squinting of the eyes (think of Clint Eastward in a shootout)
Asymmetrical Facial Gestures:
Gestures that involve only one half of the face fall into this category:
-   Fake smiles
-   Smile involving only half the face
-   Person smiles but the eyes squint or show tension
-   Asymmetry also applies to discord between what is said with what the body is transmitting, such as saying, "I love you" with clenched teeth or a tense face.

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